
The Objective
This program brings together a network of Business Chamber organizations across the Indo-Pacific region to support and accelerate the digital economy, with a focus on identifying and advocating for digital policies that support the needs of the private sector, including:
Harmonizing and improving policies to support digital trade
Advancing cybersecurity knowledge and practices
Ensuring the operational efficiency of businesses within the wider regional digital and e-commerce ecosystem
Promoting secure, open, and inclusive digital economies in the participating nations

USAID’s Digital Asia Accelerator, DAI and MangoTango in partnership with Business Chamber organizations in the participating countries are organizing a series of digital economy dialogs in 2023.

Following initial conversations with the Business Chambers, the program kicks off with a hybrid online and in-person forum and networking event in Phnom Penh, March 29-30, 2023.

Based on the priorities established in the first forum, the program continues with a series of online training and capacity building sessions focused on the identified issues.

The program’s capstone session, a hybrid online and in-person event, takes place in Siem Reap, Cambodia, August 22nd – 23rd, 2023.

In addition to the events and online sessions, an online discussion forum exists to facilitate communication and dialog during the program timeframe, and beyond.