Virtual Workshops on

Digital Policy Engagement

Building a digital future in Asia

June 7-8, 2023
9am - 10:30am (GMT+7)
Dr. Bradly J. Murg
Dr. Bradly J. Murg
Provost, Paragon University, CICP Senior Advisor and Distinguished Senior Research Fellow
Mr. Christopher McCarthy
Mr. Christopher McCarthy
CEO, MangoTango Asia and Chair, ICT Committee, AmCham Cambodia
Mr. Kim Bettcher
Director, Policy & Program Learning, Center for International Private Enterprise
Supporting Partners

Join us for two 90-minute virtual workshops happening over two days on June 7th and 8th at 9am Bangkok time.

These workshops will cover:

Learn from experts who will explain how businesses can be part of the conversation that shapes tomorrow’s digital policies.
Join us for two online sessions that will expand your perceptions and inspire you to be part of the future of the digital economy.

What to expect

The Digital Policy Landscape Across the Six Countries
The Digital Policy Process and How SMEs Can Engage