Peter is a private sector development specialist working over the past 35 years on industrial efficiency, industrial and technological development, foreign investment promotion, public-private dialogue, and government policy issues in Central, South-East and North Asia. On a practical level, Peter managed a venture capital fund in Thailand, founded a securities firm in Thailand, established a private equity fund in Cambodia, and ran several policy consulting operations. Following leadership assignments with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in Cambodia and Myanmar from 2010-2016, during which time he developed engagement strategies and undertook detailed economic and inclusive growth analyses for both countries, Peter joined the UKAid FCDO-funded 25 million pound DaNa Facility as Team Leader in December 2016. DaNa became a leader in Myanmar on promoting corporate governance, responsible business, impact investing, and inclusive business, on strengthening financial inclusion and the ecosystem for fintechs, on stimulating public-private dialogue mechanisms to catalyze economic policy reform, and on supporting policy reforms to enhance business environments around the country. Peter joined the AI Asia Pacific Institute in 2023, currently serves as an Institute Director, and has been focusing on enhancing the development and use of responsible AI in ASEAN and the Pacific Islands.

Peter is an Economics graduate of the London School of Economics, Georgetown University, the University of Sussex, and Johns Hopkins University. His Ph.D. thesis examined the productivity performance of Thai manufacturing firms.